Nice day to be in the shade but rather slow for meat sales, with countless tourists on hand for the holiday weekend.
And here's a strange thing. Someone was strolling the park purporting to have AKC registered puppies for sale (she had them in her arms), but honestly, I'd never buy an animal from someone I didn't know (or had more than 2 degrees of separation from). At least not in a park on a hot day, and certainly not for hundreds of dollars. (They seemed a bit too young to be hauling them around.)
I've had shelter dogs and local rescues for pets, and would start there before considering a questionable puppy purchase. (I've owned/own registered animals as well, and don't want to imply that there's anything wrong with that.)
Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
Not many photos this week; the sidewalks were so very crowded, and I don't like to wear out my welcome by blocking people's stands while trying to take pictures.
Sour cherries, new craft vendors, new signs, new products (yes, even more cool stuff for sale).
See you at market!