We surely are not "veggie people" by any stretch. Here is the progress of my husband Dan's pumpkin hill out back of the barns. A few leaves were burned from the lack of rain the week prior, and a dandelion has moved in to keep one hill company. I've noted over the years that the man never waters plants, preferring to treat the patch (or any garden) as though it were an entire field of corn or alfalfa: put seed in the ground, then leave it unattended to live or die. In spite of that, they seem to be doing well, but no flowers or fruit, yet.
Our small commodity dairy is located in Highgate, Vermont; this is our life on the farm. Follow us on Twitter @boucherfarm and Instagram as Dawn05459
Saturday, July 4, 2009
Pumpkins Progress
We surely are not "veggie people" by any stretch. Here is the progress of my husband Dan's pumpkin hill out back of the barns. A few leaves were burned from the lack of rain the week prior, and a dandelion has moved in to keep one hill company. I've noted over the years that the man never waters plants, preferring to treat the patch (or any garden) as though it were an entire field of corn or alfalfa: put seed in the ground, then leave it unattended to live or die. In spite of that, they seem to be doing well, but no flowers or fruit, yet.