Thursday, June 19, 2014

One Sweet Hot Sauce - and Beef Kabobs!

Beef Kabobs with Buttermilk Sauce
This is the sweetest little hot sauce that can be used as a grilling marinade– and/or be transformed into a baste. 

Its main component is buttermilk. 

I bet you didn’t see that one coming!  

Buttermilk and chicken are the more familiar culinary combination– but any meat can benefit from an overnight soak in the refrigerator.

The marinade is “raw”, so the onions and garlic are very aromatic as they caramelize on the grill.
Marinated Kabobs Ready To Go
During this cook, the beef kabobs became imbued with the flavor and sweetness of battered, deep-fried onion rings – with a pop of heat and honey at the finish.

The vegetables picked up more sweet, and less overall heat.

Buttermilk-basted Vegetable Kabobs
Some tips:

Grill kabobs over medium heat – honey burns easily.

If you find the level of heat a bit much, simply add a dollop of sour cream along with the honey and butter to the baste.
Buttermilk Hot Sauce for Basting

 One Sweet Hot Sauce
Makes about 1 ½ cups

1 Cup Buttermilk
1 Medium Onion, quartered
8 Cloves Garlic
4 TB Honey
3 TB Sunflower Oil
1-2 TB Union Brand Chili Paste (or a de-seeded jalapeno)
2 TBS Vinegar
1 tsp. Kosher Salt

Place all ingredients in a blender and pulse until smooth. Let mellow for a few hours on the counter.  Refrigerate overnight.
Buttermilk Marinade
(At this point, half the recipe is used as a marinade and the remainder reserved for the basting sauce.)

To finish:

Gently heat ¾ cup to a simmer.  Turn off the heat.

Stir in:

1 1/2 TBS Honey
3 TB Butter
1 tsp. Vinegar

Taste, and adjust for salt.

Paint kabobs as they cook.

Buttermilk Hot Sauce Beef Kabobs