I've added a new tab to the blog which I am still working on, called The Cheeseplant Tour. Check on it now and then, to see what I have made of it. I'll get around to a Farm Tour page one of these days.
We are open to visitors and there is cheese available for sale in the cheeseplant, but it is a rare day when you can find us around. We only make cheese one day a week during the morning milking.
To the left of the door as you enter, some old press clippings. I broke the more recent installment when my knee collapsed and I crashed into it.
(To the right as you enter)
In the plant, you will find cheese for sale in the refrigerator.
Pieces are priced for sale, and payment is left in the cup on top. Old school Vermont, as long as it remains a viable option.
You can see our equipment from the observation room...
... and occasionally, freshly made cheese wrapped in plastic (to preserve humidity).
There is a small television with a VCR tape of cheesemaking on the farm.
You may see cheeses through the curing room window on the left, or not, depending on the time of the year.
We use that particular room for seasonal (mainly winter) cheeses only.
Our newest cheese, Madison Blue, was aged there.
And that's what we have (the short version) - no tours, reception areas, or greeters - just 12th generation dairy farmers trying to make a living in the family business.