Friday, June 11, 2010

Burlington Farmers' Market #5: Jazzfest in The Rain

This week, the Leunig's cow was re-installed, and it rained all morning.

It was Jazzfest, which I normally would have enjoyed - but once again, a festival was competing against the market, instead of complementing it.  The band started at noon, creating two full hours of trying to serve customers who couldn't hear us; we couldn't hear them, either.  It's exhausting to shout so much. And hot.  It got hot towards the end and I ran out of bottled water.  Made me cranky.

Here's a 19-second sample of the din.  Not much to see. I set the recorder down near the cash box and let it run for twenty minutes until the music stopped, just to see if was really as bad as my perception of it was.  You decide.  I have PLENTY more clips.

The sweetest dog of the day was a tie between this customer...

and these two cuties.

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
(The entertainers pictured in the slideshow are NOT the ones that I objected to; I think they gave up after being drowned out by the festival band.)

More new products, great food, and strawberries, too.  Enjoy the photos, see you at market!