That's a one-inch thick steak, with asparagus and butter lettuce from farmer's market. The dressing is a horseradish mayonnaise.

(Nicely marbled, one-pound steak.)

I coated both the meat and the asparagus lightly with EVOO and sprinkled on some salt.
On to a hot grill on "high" - the meat was 5 - 6 minutes per side (cover up), then moved to the opposite side of the grill (which was "off"). I put the cover down and turned the working burner to "low" and left it alone for 15 minutes. That makes this steak cook a 5/5/15 for "rare".

The asparagus cooked 2-3 minutes per side, and were removed to a plate, covered in foil and a towel to finish cooking and await the steak.

I was a bit nervous about over cooking this, since it's a cut and a size that I don't often have at hand. No worries, though, it came out exactly as I wanted. 5/5/15 for a one inch steak - a new rule!

As you can see, the asparagus cooked all the way through during the resting step. This recipe made three servings.