Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Special delivery

This morning we got a call from the Highgate Post Office.  Our chicks had arrived from Murray McMurray Hatchery.  

I should have put this on video so you could hear the peeping, but since we live less than 3 miles from the post office there really wasn't much time to prepare. I was expecting them later on in the week.

There are 75 chicks in the box, and all were live on arrival - which is always a remarkable feat and a testament to how well the postal service treats live animals.  If they get cold at all there will be dead chicks in the box.

Dan removes them from the cardboard "pens" and dips their beaks into the water dish at the left so that they will remember where the water is at.

It's a peep convention!  They run everywhere, even away from the warmth of the heat lamps to peck, scratch, and pull at whatever bits of string or natural daylight they see.

Our chicks were indeed handled with care - thank you Posties!