Happy Tenth Anniversary to Green Mountain Blue Cheese!
The cheesy history: we built our cheese plant in late 1998, but did not sell our first cheeses until 1999. Our signature cheese was (and remains) "Boucher Blue."
By the end of that year "Gore-Dawn-Zola" was on the market.
Have you guessed it? It is based on Italian Gorgonzola.
A few years later, I made "Brother Laurent", based on French Meunster.
Three, or was it four? years ago I created "Madison", based on the Italian cheese, Taleggio.
By the time farmer's market customers asked for a cheddary-tasting cheese, "Tomme Collins" was already under development. I can't even recall how many years we have been making versions of this.
(Don't worry about this cheese, it's just wrinkled. The press marks are due to using a cheesecloth, instead of the netting that comes with the Kadova moulds. Note that the neighboring cheeses are smooth.)
In ten years we've expanded from making 100 pounds of cheese a month, to 300 pounds a week; from making only one cheese to a solid repertoire of five; from delivering cheese ourselves to using distributors. What will the next ten years bring? Who knows? But you can read all about it here, if you want to.