Monday, February 9, 2009

Monday Menu: Lamb Roast

I've tried to recall if my mother ever cooked a roast and how, but unless you count those brined processed turkey 'loaves' from the Schwan's delivery service, it never made an impression. She certainly never served lamb.

I am cooking up a Willow Hill Farm boneless leg of lamb, and a pasta dish that will be in tomorrow's post.

Stuffed with feta and olive muffaletta mix; not the prettiest tying work, but it held together.

Coated with olive oil, rosemary, and pepper.

Smoked in the egg using an indirect set up, at 300f for about 2 hours and 20 minutes or until the thermometer alarm goes off at 131f for rare.

The porch was getting a bit heavy with snow before the weekend defrost.

Some of the stuffing is leaking out, and believe it or not, that is finished! I could have seared it for color, but that would have been an extra step, and I think I'm coming down with a cold (zero motivation). I removed the roast and covered it in foil and a heavy towel, and let it rest on the counter for an hour.

This shot barely shows the cheese and olive stuffing, but as you can see it came out perfectly rare.