Friday, June 17, 2011

Burlington Farmers' Market #6: Soaked to the Bone

Arethusa took the week off, and Wholey Cacao took their space...except, they were late.  We started to take it personal, that no day vendor seemed to want to set up in the space next to us.

It actually looked like it might be a nice, overcast day.

Not so much.  The non-stop rain formed a puddle in front of our stand; my shoes and linens were soaked through.   At least, the line for Orsini's BBQ was short and Dan was able to get some smoked macaroni cheese and pulled pork to bring home.  I hear the mac is killer.

We were so, so happy that anyone wanted to come out and shop!

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

 Road construction continues, new T's, covered in raindrops, tacos and more.

See you at market!