Sunday, May 23, 2010

A Solid Week of This, and then Some

(Flickr gives me no love.  I tried using iPhoto for videos again, but it's all spinning ball errors and eye-stabbing.  They are both dead to me.)

The Boucher family has been busting to get all the corn in the ground for a hard ten days or so.  This is just half an hour of activity at our Swanton property:  dump truck full of rocks pulled off the field, Dan's brother Denis getting the 12-row corn planter refilled by hand.

600 acres of corn, done!  Soybean planting in progress. Dan has had enough of fieldwork; it's too much to deal with on top of regular chores and equipment breakdowns (and farmer's market and cheesemaking).  The amount of acreage under the plow has increased exponentially in the last ten years - and he's ten years increased as well.

Next up: first cut of hay. Probably Monday.