Perfectly rare!

Grilled beef flatiron steak accompanied by a grilled vegetable medley from farmer's market.

This is a two-pound steak that was 2-inches thick on one end, tapering down to 1/2-inch - so I cut it in half to get it to cook evenly.

I coated it with
Dizzy Pig swamp venom for the habanero heat, and let it mellow 1/2 hour in the refrigerator.

The bounty from farmer's market this week: garlic scapes, spring onions, snap peas; baby zucchini, patty pan and yellow squash, and fava beans. I cut the fatter squashes into long strips and coated everything with Newman's Lime Vinaigrette (cheetah marinade).

I STILL can't find my Weber veggie grill trays - I'm thinking I may have loaned them out last year - so I put a piece of aluminum foil on a grill set to medium heat. I closed the lid for 5 minutes, stirred everything, then put the cover back down for another 7 minutes.

The result is beautiful roasted veggies, and the big surprise was the fava beans, as they were "bleh" when eaten raw, but became wonderfully sweet when roasted.

I cranked the grill back up to high, and put on both steaks. The 1/2 to 1-inch steak went 5 minutes per side, and the 2-inch thick steak was on for ten minutes per side. After the sear, I took the skinny one inside to the counter, covered it in foil and a heavy towel. I moved the large steak to the side of the grill that was "off", put the grill cover down, and turned the high burners down to the lowest setting for 20 minutes. No peeking during the baking stage!

The hot pepper heat from the rub went very well with the sweetness of all the grilled veggies. This recipe serves 8 people. (Since we are not 8 people, leftovers have made great cold Thai-style fresh spring roll filling.)