How do you cook a 2-inch thick steak on the gas grill? Use the 10/10/20 rule. (The two smaller pieces are veal short loin, the large is a boneless veal loin, 2-inches thick).
Set your grill to high (covered), let it go over 500 degrees (about 10 minutes). With the cover open, sear the steak on one side for 10 minutes***, flip on to the other side for another 10 minutes.
Turn off the burner under the steak, and turn the opposite burner(s) to the lowest setting. Close the cover and set your timer for 20 minutes - no peeking!
Remove from the grill, cover with foil on the counter. Place a heavy towel over the top for at least 10 minutes and let it rest further if you like, but it is not necessary.
The steak should be medium-rare to medium, depending how hot the grill is and how cold the meat was to start with.
*** The short loin pieces are too small for 10/10/20. I used 8/8/15 because they have less mass, and would have been well done, if I'd followed my own rule.