
Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Burlington Farmer's Market 2012: A Little Peruvian is a Big Hit

Jungle Bundle
 A Little Peruvian will be featuring Boucher Farm Beef Heart Kabobs in the next few weeks!  And before Hugo left market, he presented us with two of these interesting-looking packages.  His main menu is here.

Looks Yummy!
 Absolutely delicious aroma and flavor - rice, bits of chicken, egg, something purple, and something green (lime zest)?  I ate one in the truck on the way home.

All Gone!
And for the second I decided to be more civilized and use a utensil.

Most importantly this was GLUTEN FREE!  Something I can eat at market (well, after I try them out at home a few more times) but like Flatbread's Gluten Free pizza -- I'll be having more of this in the future.

Thank you, Hugo!