Sunday, July 11, 2010

Wheatless: Gillian's Garlic Croutons

There's not a lot of hope for getting a decent crouton from bread (made from scratch) that is also gluten-free, so why not use one that's already made?  These are one of my favorites for topping macaroni cheese because of the savory flavor - just whiz them in the blender and you are ready to go.

This would be an extra-special macaroni cheese because I used only our own cheeses: Aged Boucher Blue and Tomme Collins (6 months old).  I usually mix TC with a cheddar or gouda, but I wanted to see what the Aged Blue would do when heat was applied.

 My favorite recipe for this dish is here.  Isn't that a fabulous-looking topping?

The Aged Boucher Blue doesn't fade in flavor like the younger version does during cooking.  I usually recommend Gore-Dawn-Zola for hot dishes, but this worked just fine.