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Monday, April 4, 2011
Wheatless: Healthy Valley gluten free Cafe
This is another item I found in the gluten-free "aisle" at the Hannaford, which remains a poorly delineated shelf area sandwiched between the whole wheat/Amish and organic/all-natural/made in Vermont items. Want to find a gf frozen food? Just about impossible! They are mixed in with regular fare.
I heated it straight from the can (no water added). Label details can be found here.
It didn't look like the picture - the vegetables weren't pretty colors. But, I don't care so much about pretty; it had a lot of flavor and a nice texture.
Some canned soups call themselves gluten-free, but list wheat on the label's allergy statement. This isn't one of them, and I'm happy to have had it as a quick/fast lunch - even though the amount of sodium is of concern - it's still less than most of Campbell's offerings.
It's satisfying to have even a small portion of something that tastes good.