
Saturday, April 9, 2011

Weekend Cook: Beef Ribs (Argentinian-style)

Beef Ribs
Argentian-style ribs are cross-cut thin, grilled over coals, and served with a sauce. For my version, I marinated the ribs, but forgot to make the sauce!

Three pounds of ribs
I bought these 1/2-inch thick ribs from Bob's Meat Market in St. Albans and trimmed the fat.  Our commercial processor refused to cut ribs this way and more's the pity, because I could sell them all at farmer's market - or happily keep them for myself.

My Marinade/Sauce: 2 TB Sherry Vinegar, 8 Cloves Garlic, One Med. Onion, 1/4 tsp Salt, 2 TB Maple Syrup, 3 TB Sunflower Oil, 1 TB Union Brand Chili Paste

I had a Bobby Flay moment where you toss a bunch of things in a blender and it turns out delicious.  This burned my eyes when I scraped the sides, but it was garlicky, slightly sweet, with nice heat and pretty color.  I coated the beef and refrigerated 24 hours.

I set the Big Green Egg at 400f, salted the meat and grilled direct for 3 minutes a side (closed cover).  Then I moved the meat around to hot spots with the cover up to put a char on. (Always high drama to feed uncontrolled air to charcoal).  The meat is well-done, rare/medium doesn't work with this cut.

Beef Ribs
This was very pretty and not as spicy or sweet as I expected.  Next time, I will double the heat of the marinade and make a separate sauce from the recipe above to serve alongside the meat.

It's messy finger food. The texture of the beef is similar to flank; it pulls apart, but has some chew to it.