
Friday, March 4, 2011

Wheatless: Bone Suckin' Sauce

Smoked Pork Ribs
Beautiful ribs again, this time with a new (to me) sauce.  I'm a big fan of Gormly's Jalapeno Garlic as my go-to, but on the wall of sauce at Healthy Living I found something else I could have.

Pork Ribs on the Traeger Smoker 

This is a wheat-free, soy-free sauce.  It is slightly tangy, vinegary but well-balanced, and I liked the artificial smoke flavor, which I'm usually not a fan of.  I think it would work very well with chicken.

Dan said it wasn't hot enough for his taste, but I can always paint a rack with chili paste just for him in the future.

The marketplace is changing for people with food allergies, though some supermarkets are better at marketing to us than others - I want to try all the new things!