Our small commodity dairy is located in Highgate, Vermont; this is our life on the farm. Follow us on Twitter @boucherfarm and Instagram as Dawn05459
Thursday, February 3, 2011
For Crissake, Really?
Only a few hours into the snowstorm and this! Again! How did we offend the local plowboys?
To get you up to speed: I broke my pinky toe and all of my shoes are squishing it. I cut into my finger with a very sharp pair of scissors being used in a completely inappropriate manner - however, I was not running with them.
The swank 1 1/2 year-old outdoor corn/pellet furnace is NOT WORKING (again), and the replacement mother-board-whatever was never shipped from the manufacturer. We still don't have a replacement emergency generator for the house (it's at the store, but hasn't been assembled). We are down to 10% propane for primary heat/hot water/cookstove/clothes dryer.
There is only three days of fuel left because the house is such a propane pig, and the repairman who was to fix the indoor gas fireplace cancelled on us yesterday because of the weather. (If we bypass the electric contacts with a wire it works, but I sincerely doubt the safety of that procedure, and he couldn't reschedule until next week.)
If anyone needs me, I'll be sifting through old tax receipts and cookbooks I hate - to find something to burn.
*8:45 a.m. UPDATE: Liberty Propane has pulled in the driveway and is filling the tank!