
Friday, October 15, 2010

Burlington Farmer's Market #23:Three More To Go

Dan finds cash for breakfast at Folk Foods.
It was forty degrees at the start, warming up to a lovely 70f at 2:00 pm.  The weather seemed to be a positive for the prepared food vendors, because I couldn't get down the sidewalks at 1:00 to take photos. Too crowded!

Cool hats - so, so cool!  And yes, I stalked them to take this photo.

Huge puppies dancing together made them the cutest doggies of the day!

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Foliage, the weekly raffle, root vegetables, sausages, Morris dancers, big puppies - still more market to come. 

I rummaged through the freezer yesterday looking for beef stew and found beef flatiron steaks, the last package of Hot Italian Beef sausage, a smoked pork chop, and individual packages of beef tenderloin filets - all things we thought we had sold out of.  

 Bundle up and bring an umbrella, they are predicting rain on Saturday - hope to see you there!