
Friday, September 3, 2010

Burlington Farmer's Market #17: The Quietest Fest

Last weekend, we sold quite a bit of meat and cheese, coming back home with many empty coolers.  This week we will have a full complement of pork and veal cuts, and bratwurst.  Gotta have brats for October.

The festival of the day was the Vermont Eco-Fest, and they were the perfect market companion.  I didn't even notice as all the booths were setting up, and they held off on the loud music until the 2:00 pm farmer's market end time.  This only made me suspect that all the other festivals were told to play nice and be good neighbors, and they chose not to.

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

Biggest dog ever, exciting things to buy, bratwurst coming soon, time to start stocking up.  My Christmas shopping is almost done!

See you at market.