Our small commodity dairy is located in Highgate, Vermont; this is our life on the farm. Follow us on Twitter @boucherfarm and Instagram as Dawn05459
Friday, April 2, 2010
Burlington Farmers' Market: The Space Assignment Meeting
Once a year, the market holds a meeting to list open vending spaces left by exiting members, sabbatical members, and vendors who failed to send in their annual paperwork. Those spaces are "put on the block" for other vendors attending the meeting to purchase, expanding real estate or moving their position in the park. (This all happens in order of seniority spent vending at the market.)
This was the quickest meeting ever, so afterward the steering committee (I'm secretary) met to consider the applications for new members. Next season at market? Confirmation pending, we can look forward to hot and barbecue sauces, prepared Jamaican food, and a gluten-free baker (yay) listing French macarons among their products. It's gonna be a great year.