
Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Who kneads bread?

It has been over a year since I had to stop eating wheat forever, and I'm having frustrating sandwich-eating dreams, so I decided to make an easy allergy-friendly loaf and exorcise my billowing yeasty demons. This is my experience with Bob's Red Mill brand bread mix. It requires a slew of additional ingredients - about 5 large egg whites and an egg, 1/4 cup of olive oil, vinegar, and milk. It's a good thing I'm not allergic to those things, too.

Just look at this batter, it's all sticky and gooey and lumpy. It sure doesn't look promising.

I had so much optimism, and as the rising period neared its end I set some butter out to soften. Mmmmm, butter. (So excited)

I had to cover the top with foil while it was in the oven so it didn't over-brown. It has a weird smell that I can't quite place.

As soon as it was cool enough to slice, I buttered up a piece. Sadly, the sight of melting butter was the highlight of the experience.

Do you know the crispy dry potato skin that's left after you've eaten all the insides out of an over-baked potato? That's what it tastes like - sterile dirt and roasted spudskin - and that note expands in your mouth as you chew. The inner texture is springy and has a beautiful even crumb, which makes the result: all show and and one bitter pony:(

I've sliced all of this and frozen it. I hope that over the next few weeks it will lose all the odd flavors and gain some neutrality. As a bread substitute, Bob's just doesn't cut it, but he did get rid of those grilled Reuben dreams.

**ps. It's been 3 weeks, and the bread is now acceptable, but not a recipe for those desiring instant gratification.