Our small commodity dairy is located in Highgate, Vermont; this is our life on the farm. Follow us on Twitter @boucherfarm and Instagram as Dawn05459
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Imagine my surprise!
Okay, so first of all, this isn't supposed to happen. We made sure to cull all the accidental roosters that came with this batch of hens. Early on, if they doodled, that was the end. So how did this come to pass??
Clearly I need to get glasses again, or a hearing aide, 'cause one of these girls clearly isn't. Baby Hercules was rounded up later in the day and put into an indoor pen (with the Cornish chicks rescued in the post below) because he can't reach the adult waterer and has a better chance growing up with easy access to food. He (or she) will be reunited with the hens when they come in to the barns for the winter. Cute as a button! (That's the mom rounding baby up).