I'm happy to report that Hooters restaurant on Williston Road is serving alcohol again after a penalty served during the Superbowl. While that might not seem like interesting news to you, I went there at my husband Dan's urging when the taps were dry, and believe me - beer makes the food they serve taste much better.
Why were we in B-town on a weekday? Because of an evening Burlington Farmers' Market meeting to (among other things) prioritize ideas that will be developed into future plans for the organization. Objectives such as being able to accept electronic swipe cards, starting a winter market, and having live music each week were mentioned. I'd like entertainment moved to the forefront, since it sets a festive atmosphere for shopping and enjoying the park. More pleasant experiences = more foot traffic = more $$ for everyone.
I penciled in a suggestion for a dedicated police presence during peak season. With increased size of the market has come an increased exposure to risk, and a personal desire for law enforcement personnel to be present on those days when there are just too many bodies in the park.
Last season, we summoned the local constabulary frequently after the weather turned balmy. Forget about towing cars from the "no parking" areas and enforcing the leash law - we needed cops when the 'chronics' overdosed, and when 'questionables' started throwing hammers and turning on eachother.
If you think that the problem might be restricted to those with mental health/substance abuse problems and/or lack of ordinary consideration for fellow parkgoers - think again. I spotted a man 'casing' vendors, including myself (this was independently confirmed). And while watching Samosaman or Tamale Girl take in money for an hour or more isn't illegal, we are not stupid.
And this is where I have to ask, WWMKD? (What Would Mr. Krabs Do?)
Some have long ago suspected it; I identify with cartoon businessman Eugene Krabs, proprietor of the Krusty Krab, located in the fictional Nickelodeon community of Bikini Bottom. His philosophy about money is pragmatically simple: woo it, pursue it, respect it, (listen to it), and protect it.
So, I thought about giving a compassionate 'pass' to the loonies, for about a minute - and realized my focus should be on what's good for commerce, reasoning that customers may choose to not expose themselves to such 'life experiences' and 'colorful personalities' (like drunks and panhandlers) should they persist.
As for new challenges to me personally, pro-action always mitigates the need for corrective action. In other words, once a cashbox is stolen, it's too late to start locking it in the truck, or something people used to say about barn doors and horses. I need to reduce my exposure and hide my wallet.
I think that the 2008 Farmers' Market should seek to answer this question: If customers can shop for local goods at City Market, Healthy Living, Sweet Clover, and now, Healthy Provisions - how do we continue to entice them to take a walk in the park every Saturday?