Thursday, June 13, 2013

Easy Peasy Finishing Butter

Grilled Corn with Pea Tendril Finishing Butter

I intended to write a chicken soup with rice recipe.

However, it was a most unfortunate potage.

It wasn’t that it didn’t taste good – it really did. 

The problem was with one or more of the ingredients: grilled chicken thighs, black trumpet mushrooms, morels, oyster mushrooms, wild rice.

Everything turned black. 

I stared at it for quite a while, wondering if I could adjust it with cream or stock or some trick of the light to make it appear delicious.

No such luck.

It looked like an inedible bowl of lumps that children are dared to put their hands in during a Halloween spooky house.

The only way that I would ever serve that would be if we ate in total darkness. (Recommended by my husband.)

So here’s a more photogenic recipe instead, my Easy Peasy Finishing Butter.

Easy Peasy Finishing Butter
 Easy Peasy Finishing Butter

Makes One Cup

1 Cup Pea Tendrils, packed tight
1 - 3 Cloves Garlic
¼ Cup Sunflower Oil
4 TB Grated Hard Cheese (I used our Tomme Collins)
½ Cup Pine Nuts or Pumpkin Seeds
3 TB Butter
Salt to taste

In food processor with a blade, chop garlic, tendrils, and slowly add half the oil.

Add cheese, nuts, and half of the remaining oil. Process.

Add butter and the last bit of oil.  Process until smooth.

Salt to taste.

Chill until set.

Serve with grilled corn, meats, or other vegetables.